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[MySQL][ODBC 3.51 Driver]Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)

SELECT this.`_oid` AS this, this_z_s_image.`_oid` AS this_z_s_image, this_k_1.result1 AS this_k_1_1, this_z.title_fr AS this_z_p_title_fr, this_z.catchLine_fr AS this_z_p_catchLine_fr, this_z.summary_fr AS this_z_p_summary_fr, this_z.copyright_fr AS this_z_p_copyright_fr, AS this_z_p_author, this_z.writingDate AS this_z_p_writingDate, this_z_s_image.width AS this_z_s_image_p_width, this_z_s_image.height AS this_z_s_image_p_height, this_z_s_image_z.urlDir AS this_z_s_image_z_p_urlDir, this_z_s_image_z.filename AS this_z_s_image_z_p_filename, this_z_s_image_z.extension AS this_z_s_image_z_p_extension, this_z_s_image_z.label_fr AS this_z_s_image_z_p_label_fr, this_z_s_image_z.description_fr AS this_z_s_image_z_p_description_fr, AS this_z_z_s_ocsCatalog_p_name, this_z_z_s_ocsCatalog.useValidation AS this_z_z_s_ocsCatalog_p_useValidation, this_z_z_s_ocsCatalog.useXRM AS this_z_z_s_ocsCatalog_p_useXRM FROM (ocsNewsEvent_news AS this INNER JOIN ((ocsNewsEvent_card AS this_z INNER JOIN (ocs_card AS this_z_z LEFT JOIN ocs_catalog AS this_z_z_s_ocsCatalog On ((this_z_z.ocsCatalog = this_z_z_s_ocsCatalog.`_oid`) AND (this_z_z_s_ocsCatalog.iso_sid <> ''))) On ((this_z.`_oid` = this_z_z.`_oid`) AND (this_z_z.iso_sid <> ''))) LEFT JOIN (alb_image AS this_z_s_image INNER JOIN alb_resource AS this_z_s_image_z On ((this_z_s_image.`_oid` = this_z_s_image_z.`_oid`) AND (this_z_s_image_z.iso_sid <> ''))) On ((this_z.image = this_z_s_image.`_oid`) AND (this_z_s_image.iso_sid <> ''))) On ((this.`_oid` = this_z.`_oid`) AND (this_z.iso_sid <> ''))) LEFT JOIN (SELECT c0.`_oid` AS origin, COUNT(DISTINCT this.`_oid`) AS result1 FROM xrm_category AS this INNER JOIN ((ocsNewsEvent_news AS c0 INNER JOIN ocs_card_ocsVisibility AS c0_l On ((c0.`_oid` = c0_l.`_from`) AND (c0.iso_sid <> ''))) INNER JOIN (ocsNewsEvent_card AS c0_z INNER JOIN ocs_card AS c0_z_z On ((c0_z.`_oid` = c0_z_z.`_oid`) AND (c0_z_z.iso_sid <> ''))) On ((c0.`_oid` = c0_z.`_oid`) AND (c0_z.iso_sid <> ''))) On ((this.`_oid` = c0_l.`_to`) AND (c0_l.iso_sid <> '')) WHERE (this.iso_sid <> '') AND (this.`_oid` IN (-1)) GROUP BY c0.`_oid`) AS this_k_1 On (this.`_oid` = this_k_1.origin) WHERE (this.iso_sid <> '') AND (IF((this_z_z_s_ocsCatalog.useValidation = 1),this_z_z.ocsStatus,IF(((this_z_z.ocsStatus = 2) OR (this_z_z.ocsStatus = 3)),this_z_z.ocsStatus,0)) = 2) AND ((this_z.startVisibilityDate IS NULL ) OR (this_z.startVisibilityDate <= 1714255200000)) AND ((this_z.endVisibilityDate IS NULL ) OR (this_z.endVisibilityDate >= 1714255200000)) AND ((this_z_z_s_ocsCatalog.useXRM = 0) OR ((this_z_z_s_ocsCatalog.useXRM = 1) AND (this_k_1.result1 > 0))) AND ( = 'actualites') ORDER BY this_z.writingDate DESC

Erreur de Base de donn�es:
[MySQL][ODBC 3.51 Driver]Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)

SELECT this.`_oid` AS this, this.writingDate AS this_p_writingDate FROM ocsNewsEvent_card AS this INNER JOIN ocs_card AS this_z On ((this.`_oid` = this_z.`_oid`) AND (this_z.iso_sid <> '')) WHERE (this.iso_sid <> '') AND 0